With only two daycare kids today, we (I) decided a foray into the world was in order. It started off well, with everyone listening and attentive. Of course, that was while they were still buckled into the carseats.
Simcoe County Museum
I do tend to forget that not every child has as much experience with visiting museums as mine do, and that whenever our family goes sight-seeing, there are two adults present, and that I’ve mostly blocked out the memories of running errands with two toddlers in tow.
But really, I’m not completely sure all of that justifies the tantrums.
Or the fact that I thought I could take 5 kids to the museum without stopping at a Timmy’s first.
Tantrums and slapping fights aside, I think we had a good time. All one-and-a-half hours of our day went relatively smoothly … which means there were no permanent injuries and that we came home with the same number of kids that we left with.
So, all’s well that ends well.
With thanks to our good friends at Advil.
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